Carole Boyce

Gwinnett County Board of Education
Gwinnett County Board of Education, District 1 Representative, 2018 Chairman
Nominating Committee Chair
LG Class of 1991 

Seeing our evolving community thrive has been great! My husband Peter and I raised six children on a horse farm in Dacula. With our children grown, we enjoy nine grandchildren.
As a former teacher, now a member of the Board of Education, I continue to be impressed by the professionalism of our teachers and administrators.
Besides community involvement, I love to travel, paint, and do Words with Friends…want to play?

“Participating in the Class of 1991 gave me the courage to run for the Board of Education where I have served for thirteen years. With our multi-dimensional county, I enjoy assisting in the development of new leaders who will make wise future decisions,” Carole Boyce.