John Schraudenbach

Ernst & Young 
LG Class of 1990 

John Schraudenbach is a retired assurance partner at Ernst &Young where he has served in a variety of roles over his 35-year career. John completed Leadership Gwinnett in 1990 and in 1993 was asked to become President of the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce. In 1995, he returned to EY but continued to actively serve the community. Currently, John is on the Mitsubishi Electric Classic board. Past boards have included the Gwinnett United Way and the UGA business school alumni board, both of which he served as Chairman, amongst others. John has also held a variety of leadership roles a Sugarloaf United Methodist Church. John, his wife, and all three children are proud UGA grads.

“Leadership Gwinnett had a major impact on my personal and professional life. Through LG I met many fantastic people in the community who remain great friends still today. Professionally it enabled me to join the board of the Chamber and then become its President. The time as President was one of the most rewarding times of my career.” John Schraudenbach