Leadership defines Gwinnett. It sets this county apart from all others. The driving force behind this defining and successful county asset is the well-respected Leadership Gwinnett program. In 1984, a group of existing leaders recognized Gwinnett was undergoing a significant transformation, transitioning from a rural and agricultural community to a more densely populated, culturally diverse suburban community. Supported by the Gwinnett Chamber, this group developed a curriculum, enlisted volunteers, engaged facilitators and selected its first class – the Class of 1986. Over the last thirty-five years, the nine-month Leadership Gwinnett program has played a meaningful role in the community, creating a pipeline for leaders to learn, convene and engage with each other – working towards the vision of sustaining a world-class community. Building on our learning’s and the success of this flagship program, we developed Glance Gwinnett, a condensed version of the program that gives participants a behind the scenes tour of Gwinnett County and inspires participants to be more civically engaged. Collectively, we have graduated almost 1500 participants from both the Leadership Gwinnett and Glance Gwinnett programs from every facet of the community, including business, nonprofit, local government, professional services, civic and neighborhood associations.
Leadership Gwinnett Foundation’s mission is to educate, equip and engage diverse leaders and inspire civic involvement. To honor this mission, Leadership Gwinnett is requesting proposals from firms interested in providing diversity, inclusion and equity training to community leaders.
This fall, we are launching Leaders Advancing an Equitable Culture in Gwinnett, a new learning initiative in partnership with Gwinnett County Government focused on fostering leadership, vision and action to advance change on critical equity-related issues in our community. This initiative will support Leadership Gwinnett’s long-term strategy of developing inclusive and thoughtful leaders.
This professionally facilitated workshop will target 140 participants comprised of Leadership Gwinnett and Glance Gwinnett alumni, as well as emerging Gwinnett County community leaders.
Consultant’s Role
The consultant will plan, facilitate and evaluate a racial equity workshop. The workshop is the primary objective for this project. The focus is to educate leaders on challenges creating inequities and cultural insensitivities in our communities; equip them with the life skills and tools to aid in mitigating and remedying these identified existing inequities and insensitivities; and deploy them into the community to share learning, teach equity skills and drive on-the-ground action that leads to broader change.
The selected firm will work with two co-project managers and an advisory committee to drive towards five deliverables:
Provide guidance and recommendations on post-workshop activation and long-term organization strategy.
Proposals must include the following information. Failure to include all of this information will result in disqualification from the review process.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposal packages will be reviewed and weighted based on the following criteria:
Submission Deadline and Schedule
Proposals should be submitted to no later than September 2, 2020 at 2 pm EST. If you have questions prior to submission date, please send to by midnight EST on August 24, 2020 (deadline extended to August 27 @ noon).
Terms and Conditions
Consultants or organizations submitting a proposal agree to the following terms and conditions:
Click here for a printable version.
Q: Before submitting I’d like to confirm if Mental Health and Wellness is included in the proposals?
A: Please review deliverables section of the RFP. Include activities in the proposal that you feel support achievement of these deliverables.
Q: Is the due date next Wednesday Sept. 2nd?
A: Yes, the deadline to submit a proposal is 9/2 @ 2pm EST via email (see RFP for more details)
Q: Will Leadership Gwinnett be responsible for printing the workbooks or is this the responsibility of the vendor?
A: Please build this expense into your budget.
Q: Assessments will be necessary. Are you expecting assessments to be included in the proposal cost?
A: Please include all activities related to this project in your budget.
Q: Will there any points given Leadership Gwinnett, Glance Gwinnett Graduates, or Service Disabled Veterans?
A: Please see evaluation section of the RFP to see how the advisory committee is scoring proposals.
Q: Is pricing consistent with GSA pricing structure?
A: Please submit pricing in your budget that supports project approach and proposed activities.
Q: Is pricing on a per student basis or a block day rate with a certain student number cap?
A: Please submit pricing that aligns with your proposed project approach and activities.
Q: Have the questions been posted to the website yet? I looked on yesterday and could not find them.
A: Q&A is located at the bottom of the webpage –
Q: Where can I find the “Responses to the Questions” posted on the website, can’t seem to locate the site on your website, please assist.
A: We have not received questions until today (8/28/2020) so there are none posted yet. Your questions will be posted on the website along with any other questions received.
Q: Is there a RFP Template to complete?
A: No – please submit a proposal (see RFP for more details)